Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some of our commonly asked questions

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Why is my indoor air quality two to five times more polluted than the air outside?

Most homes and offices are inadequately ventilated and pollutants such as CO2, house dust, volatile organic compounds (VOC’s) from household products and bacteria are allowed to accumulate. The situation is exacerbated by poor temperature and humidity control.

How can I improve my indoor air quality?

Firstly understand the problems you are experiencing by fitting an inexpensive Smartphone App linked air quality monitor such as Awair (available on this web site). Then contact us to discuss a suitable solution if you find that you have poor air quality.

Is a renewable energy based heating system like a heat pump right for me?

This depends on two factors. The ability for the building fabric to support it (energy efficiency) and the fuel choices available to you. If you are on mains gas and only interested in the economics of such a system then the older your property is the less likely that this solution is for you.

I understand that renewable energy systems cost much more to install than a fossil fuel boiler so what are the incentives for me to include this in my budget?

As well as the lower environmental impact that your home will have, the government offers the Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) scheme to self-builders and home owners. If you meet the eligibility criteria you are likely to recover the cost of your system within seven years.

I am a self-builder and I don’t want to have trickle vents in the windows of my new home. I know this will make the house more energy efficient but how can I meet Building Regulations and ensure adequate ventilation ?

Building Regulations allow other ventilation strategies than just background ventilation with trickle vents in the windows. Mechanical Ventilation with Heat Recovery is a centralised system that runs continuously using less than 50W/hr of energy.

Is MVHR suitable for all types of property?

Although MVHR could be installed in all types of building, we would only recommend it for buildings with good air tightness levels. As a rule of thumb, this would be where the air permeability of the thermal envelope is at or below 5m3/m2.h @ 50 Pa. If this level of air tightness is not achieved, then the heat recovery and consequent energy saving benefits of MVHR would be lost.

I feel that I need air conditioning due to the heat gains and air tightness in my modern property. But isn’t this bad for the environment?

Today’s air conditioning systems use low global warming potential refrigerant gases and are highly energy efficient as they are based on heat pump technology. If your home is already energy efficient your heating demands are low. Careful and considerate use of your cooling system will minimise energy consumption further. Why not add a Solar Photovoltaic system and generate your own energy?

I am interested in Underfloor Heating but I am not sure if this is the correct system for my home. What should I do?

There are so many different installation methods available and it is difficult to know what is best. We can advise you further once we understand the type of property you have and the construction methods being used.

I like the idea of a smart home but the systems available seem limitless. What can I do?

It is important that you decide how you want to use your home and what functionality would be beneficial to you. It is also important that whatever control system you choose works with all of the HVAC systems in your home in the correct way. It is best to find a company that can provide clear integration expertise and knowledge of all of the systems to be employed for your heating, hot water, ventilation and cooling.

How long do air source heat pumps and air conditioning units last?

The industry standard life expectancy of an air source heat pump or air conditioning system is said to be 10-15 years, but if properly maintained it could last 20+ years.

How often should I get my air conditioning unit serviced?

Heating and cooling professionals say that even if you do not suspect that your air conditioning unit has problems, you need to have it serviced and inspected at least once every year. This will ensure that it operates at maximum efficiency. It will be ready to cool the house in the months when you require it most.

What our Customers Say

I can finally enjoy my home as intended. I can monitor and control the air conditioning from anywhere. This saves me wasting energy when I am away from home and the weather suddenly changes.

Claire Jordan, Homeowner.

What our Customers Say

For me it is about energy conservation and reducing our carbon footprint...Air Craft has helped us achieve that.

James Miskin, Property Owner

What our Customers Say

We are delighted with the air conditioning installation and with the all round expertise that Air Craft demonstrated throughout this successful project,

Homeowners, New Forest.

What our Customers Say

Without prejudice, Air Craft have been outstanding throughout the process of changing the heating system in our home and we highly recommend them.

Kevin Dew, Redlynch.

What our Customers Say

It is a big step to move to a heat pump from a conventional system. Air Craft will design the most efficient and cost effective solution. Their installation staff care about their work and we believe we chose the best company for our heat pump.

Bob Ashworth, Homeowner.

What our Customers Say

We wanted the most comfortable indoor air environment and the ability to maintain a consistent temperature all year round. Air Craft delivered.

Mark Bettridge, Homeowner.

What our Customers Say

As well as a first class installation service, Air Craft's aftercare and personal service is also very reassuring.

Dr Charles King, Oxford.