NSBRC Online Surgery: Electrification – Smart energy and heating solutions

Electrification is the process of replacing technologies that use fossil fuels such as coal, oil and natural gas with technologies that use electricity generated from renewable sources to produce clean energy (which can come from renewable sources like wind or solar power).

This online surgery explores some of the latest options available to power our homes (and cars) more sustainably. 

We are often asked about how best to manage the link between EV’s, home chargers and solar panels and Yen Dai, from Eco Energy Environment, will be providing his thoughts, and the latest advice, on how to take the best holistic approach.

We’ll also be joined by Infraheat who will be explaining how Infrared technology can provide a sustainable heating solution, and Air Craft who will be discussing Mechanical Ventilation, Air Source Heat Pumps and Smart Cylinders – and how these systems can provide a healthier home whilst also making your home or workspace more energy efficient

Air Craft is a featured exhibitors as well as:

Eco Energy Environment – Solar PV & EV Chargers

Infraheat – Infrared Heating Technologies

Air Craft – Air Source Heat Pumps & Overheating


7:00 – 7:05 – Harvey Fremlin, Welcome & Introductions

7:05 – 7:30 – Darren Johnson, Air Craft

7:30 – 8:05 – Yen Dai, Eco Energy Environment

8:05 – 8:30 – Slawomir Kuprowski, Infraheat

8:30 – 8:35 – Harvey Fremlin, ‘Whats coming up at the NSBRC’

8:35 – 9:00 – Q&A

Book your space at: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/nsbrc-online-surgery-electrification-smart-energy-and-heating-solutions-tickets-672393315507